Grounds for Divorce

Grounds for Divorce. Thailand, known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant culture, also has its own set of laws governing marriage and divorce. If you find yourself contemplating divorce in Thailand, understanding the legal grounds is crucial. This article explores the primary reasons recognized by Thai courts for a marriage to be dissolved. Fault-Based Grounds […]

Child Support in Thailand

Child Support in Thailand

Child Support in Thailand. When a child’s life revolves around two separate households in Thailand, the question of financial support becomes crucial. Thai family law mandates that both biological parents, married or not, contribute to their child’s well-being until they reach the legal age of 20. Let’s explore how child support is determined and enforced […]

Escrow Accounts in Thailand

Escrow Accounts in Thailand

Escrow Accounts in Thailand. In Thailand’s real estate transactions, escrow accounts serve as a crucial mechanism to ensure the smooth and secure transfer of funds between buyers and sellers. An escrow account acts as a neutral third-party intermediary, holding funds until all conditions of a real estate transaction are met, providing protection and peace of […]

Thai Property Market

Thai Property Market

Thai Property Market. Thailand’s property market, buoyed by stunning landscapes, a thriving tourism industry, and government incentives, continues to attract both domestic and foreign investors. However, like any market, understanding the current trends and potential challenges is crucial for informed decision-making. A Market on the Rise Thailand’s real estate market is experiencing modest but steady […]

Child Legitimation in Thailand

Child Legitimation in Thailand

Child Legitimation in Thailand. Child legitimation is a legal process in Thailand that confers legitimacy to a child born out of wedlock, giving them legal rights and benefits equal to those of children born in marriage. This process is critical for determining the child’s legal status and ensuring that their rights are safeguarded under Thai […]

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